
I was fortunate to find Full Spectrum Editing when my novel was in the editing stage. Rachel’s gift with language and Michael’s expertise in the technical aspects brought my book to life.  Their edits strengthened the language, filled in continuity gaps I had overlooked, and provided much needed insight.

They were a joy to work with, providing fast, thoughtful, and needed changes. I look forward to working with them again soon.

Vince Guerra, author of Beyond The Golden Hour

It was a pleasure working with Rachel on my manuscript. Her vast knowledge and editing skills filled the gaps and holes in my story line. She helped bring my story to life and took it to a higher level of excellence.

Robert Dodd, author of Redemption of the Heart

It is such a relief to have worked hard on a document and then be able to send it to Rachel for the final edit.  She has an eagle eye for spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors and makes practical suggestions for increasing the document’s readability.  I count on Rachel to make the final document the best it can be – and she never disappoints.  Whether you are a student working on a paper or dissertation or someone like me, a seasoned published author, Rachel will make your writing shine.

Jana Kay Slater, PhD Research Psychologist

Rachel checks the details that others miss! She crosschecks dates and links so the final publication is trustworthy. When she changes spelling, grammar or punctuation it is with full knowledge of language intricacies that most of us never learned. I am so grateful Rachel is a member of our publication team.

Carol Hennessy, Kol Ha’Am Newsletter